How to get the perfect night's sleep? Tips for Clocks Going Back: Navigating the Time Change 

At the end of October, the clocks go back, and this can disrupt your circadian rhythm. This is your body's internal clock regulating your sleep cycle. If you're like me and are sensitive to time changes, you're probably looking for ways to make this transition as smooth as possible. In this blog, we'll explore practical tips to help you navigate the clocks going back without losing precious sleep or feeling disoriented.


1. Limit Your Caffeine Intake

Caffeine, that beloved stimulant found in coffee and many other beverages, can have a significant impact on your circadian rhythm. In the week leading up to the time change, limiting your caffeine consumption is a good idea. Caffeine can interfere with your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. Alternatively, switch to drinks with less caffeine, like black tea or matcha or go caffeine-free options like herbal tea. This minor adjustment can help your body adapt to the changing schedule more smoothly.

Limit Your Caffeine Intake

2. Stick to a Consistent Eating Schedule

Our bodies thrive on routines, and the timing of our meals is no exception. To support your circadian rhythm and hormones, try to eat your meals at the same time each day. Your body becomes accustomed to specific mealtimes and functions optimally when it knows when to expect nourishment. Consistency at mealtimes can help your body adjust to the time change and reduce the chances of feeling hungry, hangry or sluggish at odd hours.

Stick to a Consistent Eating Schedule

3. Manage Your Light Exposure

Light is a powerful influencer of your circadian rhythm. To help your body adapt to the time change, pay attention to your light exposure:

Manage Your Light Exposure

Get Morning Sunlight In Your Morning Routine: As soon as you wake up, try to expose yourself to natural light (or if you're an early riser like me and it's dark, turn the lights on in your room), preferably within the first 10 minutes. This signals to your body that it's time to be alert and awake, getting all your bodily functions moving and setting the tone for the day.

Limit Evening Light during Wellness Wind Down: In the evening, minimising exposure to blue light and bright lights is vital. If you have bright lights on right before you want to sleep, it can trick your body into thinking it's still daytime, making it harder to fall asleep. To promote good sleep, consider dimming the lights in your home and turning off electronic devices like the TV earlier than your regular routine.

Limit Evening Light during Wellness Wind Down

The ideal sleep goal for a restful night is seven to nine hours of deep, uninterrupted slumber. 

BIO-HACK: Try leaving your blinds open to wake up to natural light and ensuring your bedroom is relaxing and distraction-free with things that make you feel cosy (diffusers, candles or crystals).

The clocks going back might temporarily disrupt your sleep patterns, but with some mindful adjustments, we can minimise the impact. 

I'm Roxy, the co-founder of eyeam, and a certified Holistic Nutrition and Mindset Coach. Watch me talk about these points here.

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